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Become a Exhibitor

Welcome! We want to make it easy for you to participate in the Chelan County Fair. Follow these simple steps to gather all the necessary information for a fun experience. And remember, we are here to help you. Call the Administration Office at (509) 782 3232 anytime for assistance or questions with your entry.
Downloadable Forms
- Open Class Stall Form
- 4H/FFA Grange Animal Stall Form (right click on the link then click Save Link As, requires MS Excel or similar)
- Exhibit Entry Form
- Exhibit Pass List (right click on the link then click Save Link As, requires MS Excel or similar)
- Exhibitor Support
- Exhibitor Guide
How to Exhibit Arts, Crafts, Vegetables, Floral or other still life items
There is no Exhibitor Fee to exhibit at the Chelan County Fair, HOWEVER, you can purchase a pass if you wish to attend the fair at a discount on WEDNESDAY ONLY.
If your Exhibit is a 4-H Project:
- Carefully read the General Rules found in the 4-H section of this Exhibitor’s Guide. Obtain Entry Form, 4-H Tag, and 4-H Exhibitor’s Ticket from your Leader.
- From the 4-H Section of this Exhibitor’s Guide find the Department, Class, and Lot number appropriate for your Exhibit. (If you are unsure, ask the 4-H Superintendent when you arrive at the Fairgrounds.)
- Bring your exhibit to the Fairgrounds on Wednesday between noon and 8 p.m.
- Take your Exhibit to the 4-H Building. (Complete the Entry Form and Tag if you haven’t already done so.) Register the Exhibit with the 4-H Superintendent or their assistants.
If your Exhibit is a FFA Project:
- Your FFA Exhibit must be registered through your FFA Advisor.
- Carefully read the FFA Rules found in the FFA section of this Exhibitor’s Guide.
- From the FFA Section of this Exhibitor’s Guide, find the Department, Class, and Lot number appropriate for your Exhibit. (If you are unsure, ask your FFA Advisor)
- Obtain Entry Tag and FFA Exhibitor’s Ticket from your FFA Advisor Bring your exhibit to the Fairgrounds on Wednesday between 1:00 and 9:00 p.m.
- Take your Exhibit to the FFA Department. Fill out the Entry Tag if you haven’t already done so and check in with FFA Superintendent.
If your Exhibit is NOT a 4-H or FFA Project you may enter it in OPEN CLASS:
- If you are not in 4-H or FFA or if you are in 4-H or FFA and wish to enter an exhibit that is not a 4-H or FFA project, you may enter it in OPEN CLASS. All items must be produced by the exhibitor in the past 12 months.
- Carefully read the General Rules in this Exhibitor’s Guide.
- Use entry Forms and Tags that may be obtained from the Fair Office, or during Check-in.
- Find in this Exhibitor’s Guide the Department, Class, and Lot numbers appropriate for your exhibit. (If you are unsure, ask the Department Superintendent for help when you bring your exhibit.)
- Any entry found to be falsified will result in all entries of the exhibitor being pulled from the display, all premiums forfeited, and possible suspension from the Chelan County Fair.
- Bring your Exhibit to the Fairgrounds on Wednesday between 9:00 am and 9:00 p.m.
- Take your Exhibit to the appropriate Building. Fill out the Entry Form and Tag (if you haven’t already done so.) Check your Exhibit in with the Department Superintendent.
- Stickers may be awarded instead of ribbons in all adult Open Exhibit Departments and FFA Still Life. Exhibitors have the option of exchanging their stickers for a ribbon on Sunday at the office. Rosettes may be awarded in all departments
How to Exhibit an Animal
If your animal is a 4-H/Grange Project:
- Your Project animal must be registered through your 4-H/Grange Leader.
- Carefully read the 4-H/Grange Livestock and Horse Rules found in the 4-H/Grange section of this Exhibitor’s Guide. Obtain Exhibitor’s Ticket from 4-H? Grange leader.
- Bring your animal to the Fairgrounds on Wednesday between noon and 8 p.m.
- A veterinarian or other qualified person will check your animal to be sure it is healthy and appropriate to have at the Fair. Market animals will be weighed.
- Take your animal to the appropriate barn area. Check-in with the Barn Superintendent.
If your animal is a FFA Project:
- Your FFA Project animal must be registered through your FFA Advisor.
- Carefully read the FFA Livestock and Horse Rules found in the FFA section of this Exhibitor’s Guide. Obtain Exhibitor’s Ticket from FFA Advisor.
- Bring your animal to the Fairgrounds on Wednesday between Noon and 8:00 p.m.
- A veterinarian or other qualified person will check your animal to be sure it is healthy and appropriate to have at the Fair Market animals will be weighed.
- Take your animal to the appropriate barn area. Find your Chapter area in the barn (your assigned stall/pen will be in this area.) If you have questions, check with Barn Superintendent.
If your animal is NOT a 4-H or FFA Project you may enter it in OPEN CLASS:
- (If you are not in 4-H or FFA or if you are in 4-H or FFA and wish to enter an animal that is not a 4-H or FFA project, you may enter it in OPEN CLASS.)
- Carefully read the General Livestock and Horse Rules found in this Exhibitor’s Guide.
- Obtain the appropriate registration form (Livestock or Horse Registration Form).
- Complete and return to Fair Office by August 15th. Bring your animal to the Fairgrounds on Wednesday between Noon and 8:00 p.m.
- A veterinarian or other qualified person will check your animal to be sure it is healthy and appropriate to have at the Fair. Take your animal to the appropriate barn area. Check-in with Barn Superintendent
Downloadables and Resources
- Open Class Stall Form
- 4H/FFA Grange Animal Stall Form (right click on the link then click Save Link As, requires MS Excel or similar)
- Exhibit Entry Form
- Exhibit Pass List (right click on the link then click Save Link As, requires MS Excel or similar)
- Exhibitor Support
- Exhibitor Guide